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  • Текст песни Chase Coy - I Will Follow You Into the Dark

    Исполнитель: Chase Coy
    Название песни: I Will Follow You Into the Dark
    Дата добавления: 11.09.2015 | 19:19:26
    Просмотров: 296
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    На этой странице находится текст песни Chase Coy - I Will Follow You Into the Dark, а также перевод песни и видео или клип.
    Love of mine some day you will die
    But I'll be close behind
    I'll follow you into the dark

    No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white
    Just our hands clasped so tight
    Waiting for the hint of a spark
    If Heaven and Hell decide
    That they both are satisfied
    Illuminate the NOs on their vacancy signs

    If there's no one beside you
    When your soul embarks
    Then I'll follow you into the dark

    In Catholic school as vicious as Roman rule
    I got my knuckles bruised by a lady in black
    And I held my tongue as she told me
    "Son fear is the heart of love"
    So I never went back

    If Heaven and Hell decide
    That they both are satisfied
    Illuminate the NOs on their vacancy signs

    If there's no one beside you
    When your soul embarks
    Then I'll follow you into the dark

    You and me have seen everything to see
    From Bangkok to Calgary
    And the soles of your shoes are all worn down
    The time for sleep is now
    It's nothing to cry about
    'cause we'll hold each other soon
    In the blackest of rooms

    If Heaven and Hell decide
    That they both are satisfied
    Illuminate the No's on their vacancy signs

    If there's no one beside you
    When your soul embarks
    Then I'll follow you into the dark
    Then I'll follow you into the dark

    Я пойду за тобою во тьму

    Моя любовь умрёт однажды,
    Но я всё время буду рядом,
    И я пойду с тобой во тьму.

    Ни ослепляющего света, ни туннелей, ведущих к ярко-белым воротам,
    Лишь наши руки, сплетённые покрепче.
    Мы в ожидании искры, подсказки,
    И если рай и ад решат,
    Что всё их удовлетворяет,
    Они дадут нам знать одним из знаков, создав нам свет со словом «нет».

    Когда прикрыть тебя некому,
    И твоя душа готова улететь,
    Я пойду за тобою во тьму.

    В католических школах, таких же жестоких, как римские законы,
    Мои пальцы были разбиты в кровь женщиной в чёрном,
    И я держал язык за зубами, слушая её слова:
    «Сын мой, страх – основа любви».
    Я больше никогда туда не возвращался.

    Если рай и ад решат,
    Что всё их удовлетворяет,
    Они дадут нам знать одним из знаков, создав нам свет со словом «нет».

    Когда прикрыть тебя некому,
    И твоя душа готова улететь,
    Я пойду за тобою во тьму.

    Мы с тобой видели всё, что только можно
    Везде от Бангкока до Калгари.
    Подошвы на твоих туфлях все стоптаны,
    Теперь нам можно отдохнуть.
    Нет повода для слёз,
    Ведь мы будем в объятиях друг друга
    В самой тёмной комнате…

    Если рай и ад решат,
    Что всё их удовлетворяет,
    Они дадут нам знать одним из знаков, создав нам свет со словом «нет».

    Когда прикрыть тебя некому,
    И твоя душа готова улететь,
    Я пойду за тобою во тьму.
    Я пойду за тобою во тьму…
    Love of mine some day you will die
    But I'll be close behind
    I'll follow you into the dark

    No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white
    Just our hands clasped so tight
    Waiting for the hint of a spark
    If Heaven and Hell decide
    That they both are satisfied
    Illuminate the NOs on their vacancy signs

    If there's no one beside you
    When your soul embarks
    Then I'll follow you into the dark

    In Catholic school as vicious as Roman rule
    I got my knuckles bruised by a lady in black
    And I held my tongue as she told me
    & quot; Son fear is the heart of love & quot;
    So I never went back

    If Heaven and Hell decide
    That they both are satisfied
    Illuminate the NOs on their vacancy signs

    If there's no one beside you
    When your soul embarks
    Then I'll follow you into the dark

    You and me have seen everything to see
    From Bangkok to Calgary
    And the soles of your shoes are all worn down
    The time for sleep is now
    It's nothing to cry about
    'cause we'll hold each other soon
    In the blackest of rooms

    If Heaven and Hell decide
    That they both are satisfied
    Illuminate the No's on their vacancy signs

    If there's no one beside you
    When your soul embarks
    Then I'll follow you into the dark
    Then I'll follow you into the dark

    I will follow you into the dark

    My love will die one day,
    But all the time I'll be there
    And I will go with you into the darkness.

    No blinding light or tunnels leading to the bright white gate
    Only our hands, woven tighter.
    We are waiting for a spark, tips,
    If heaven and hell decide
    What does all their meets,
    They will give us to know one of the characters, gives us light with the word "no."

    When no one to cover for you,
    And your soul is ready to fly,
    I will follow you into the dark.

    In Catholic schools, such as severe as the Roman laws
    My fingers were broken in the blood of the woman in black,
    And I kept my mouth shut, listening to her words:
    "My son, fear - the basis of love."
    I will never go back.

    If heaven and hell decide
    What does all their meets,
    They will give us to know one of the characters, gives us light with the word "no."

    When no one to cover for you,
    And your soul is ready to fly,
    I will follow you into the dark.

    You and I have seen all that is possible
    Everywhere from Bangkok to Calgary.
    The soles of your shoes at all worn,
    Now we can relax.
    There is no reason for tears,
    After all, we will be in each other's arms
    In the darkest room ...

    If heaven and hell decide
    What does all their meets,
    They will give us to know one of the characters, gives us light with the word "no."

    When no one to cover for you,
    And your soul is ready to fly,
    I will follow you into the dark.
    I will follow you into the dark ...

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